Collection: Mokulock

Mokulock is a brand of wooden blocks founded and produced in Yamagata, Japan. Since trees cannot thrive when growing close together in the mountains without sunlight filtering in, some trees in Yamagata are carefully cut down in winter using snow as a cushion. These are then used to produce Mokulock's pure wooden blocks that are known to have benefits such as being warm to the touch, has a comforting aroma, and a naturally beautiful colour and texture. 

Research has confirmed that wood has a comforting effect similar to bathing in the forest, stabilizing the autonomic nerves by lowering blood pressure, regulating an abnormal pulse, and calming the nerves. Wood can help enhance creativity, the ability that everyone has to create something from nothing, by making the wood into blocks.


Mokulock is simply carved out from a solid piece of wood. No surface finishing oil, chemical, paint, or glue is used. Mokulock’s safeness has been proved by qualifications of various safety standard examinations. 

Each product contains a mix of 6 different types of wood:

Mokulock Birch
The bright colour of birch expresses the nostalgia of trees in people’s lives, evoking a feeling of calmness. The surface of this wood fits in hands as if it had been used for years; its scent is softly encompassing as one feels in the forest.
Mokulock Hornbeam
Hornbeam displays different faces from different angles, expressing wonders and pleasures in its grain as if it is a uniquely evolved animal. Contrary to its appearance, the surface of this wood is sleek; its scent is refreshing and has a certain strength.
Mokulock Japanese Big Leaf Magnolia
The differing colours of heartwood and sapwood, dark green (heartwood) and calm white (sapwood) portray softness. The surface of this wood is soft; its scent is calm just like its colour.
Mokulock Japanese Cherry
The layers of different colours (dark green, yellow, pink, white, etc.) by each annual ring create the vivid cherry pink colour. The surface of this wood is mild; its scent has been used to evoke spring in people’s diet for hundreds of years (e.g. the blossoms are used for flavouring, while the wood chips are used for smoking).
Mokulock Japanese Zelkova
Gorgeous grain stands out on golden colour is cherished and given names such as “Gem”, “Grape”, “Peony”, “Bubble” or “Arrow Bamboo” to best describe its character. The surface of this wood is hard and cool; its scent is rich and sweet like an incense.
Mokulock Maple
The weave of grain and vivid bright colour gives comfort to one’s eyes. The surface of this wood is smooth and shiny; its scent is refreshing.
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