Hello 2023!

Noah's Toys 2023

2022 has come and gone and just like that we are already on day 4 of 2023. 2022, especially in its last few months, was one likened to having a new baby around the house - filled with joy and excitement but also stuffed with uncertainty, anxiety, and tears. It was a period of learning and provided a string of opportunities to better our small family business. We are and will always be a work in progress and are humbled to step into our 5th year this year :')

What can you expect from Noah's Toys in 2023? We will introduce 2 new amazing brands in the first quarter of this year. We will also be restocking many of your favourite brands like Grimm's, Grapat, Sarah's Silks, Treasures From Jennifer, and Erzi. We also have at least 1 physical fair planned in the first half of this year so that we can meet you again! I also hope to share more videos and conversations about play and delve deeper into children's mental health through the books we have and will curate for our Amber's Book Club collection. It will be an exciting year and we hope to enjoy it with you!

So, my dear Noah's Toys family, here's to taking leaps of faith, getting our hands busy with play, and our minds focused on dreaming big this 2023! Happy New Year! :)

Love, Jamie

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